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Extensive collection of rugs for a warm atmosphere in the interior.

The collection of rugs has been created with an eye on the different trends and styles, so that an appropriate  atmosphere and style is possible for every interior. Natural, Botanical garden, Beachhouse, Bohemain chic, retro or oriental.  Most of the rugs are handmade, making each product unique. The collection of rugs includes a variety of materials, including, tencel, wool, jute, cotton, viscose, recycled silk, leather, denim and PET (from PET Bottles).

A wide range of rugs is available in different sizes and shapes, from rectangular, square to round rugs. 

With various rugs, the collection is enriched with stools, poufs or ottomans, next to cushions of similar or matching materials. The extensive collection of throws and cushions offer every opportunity for a beautiful setting in the interior, whether this is at home or in the hospitality industry, hotel- and project interior management. 

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