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Customer service

We are happy to help

Frequently asked questions

Below you will find an overview of the most frequently asked questions. If your question is not listed here, please contact us. Thank you very much.

How can I register to access the webshop?

Thank you for your interest in Rocaflor's webshop! Click here to register as a new customer.

How can I place an order?

To place an order, you must first log in. Click here to go to the login screen or to register.

What are Rocaflor's opening hours?

Rocaflor's webshop is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week for orders & quotation requests.

Rocaflor BV Meerlandenweg 58, 1187 ZR in Amstelveen:

Showroom/office and distribution opening hours:

Business days: Monday-Thursday from 08:30-16:30. Friday from 08:30-14:00. (Sat/Sun closed)

Please visit by appointment; or (+31)20-6404880.

How and at what rate can transport take place?

Shipping your order is possible in several ways. Click here for more information and rates.

Can I track my parcel shipment?

It is possible to track your parcel shipment via our carrier. The 11-digit parcel number can be found on the invoice that you received by e-mail from Rocaflor.

In case of breakage or damage, how to act?

If you notice any breakage on/in your parcel shipment; report this - if possible - immediately to the driver. Take photos of the parcel and the damaged/broken items. Then please send us an e-mail to, the photos and an overview of the damage.

In some cases we can replace broken parts. For conditions and possibilities, please contact us by phone (+31)20-6404880 or email

Can I receive a sample of an item from the home textiles collection?

Of some items such as within the home textiles collection, rugs, we have samples in stock. These are available against payment. If you subsequently make your purchase in relation to the purchased sample, the cost of the sample will be deducted from your purchase. You can of course keep the sample - if you wish - for subsequent purchases. If you would like a sample, please contact us.

What is the account number to which I can transfer my payment?

International Bank Account Number (IBAN) is:

Rabobank Schiphol Region: NL27 RABO in the name of Rocaflor B.V.

I forgot my password, what should I do now?

Under the login screen, you can click that you have forgotten the password. By entering your e-mail address, you will receive a new password by e-mail. Via "my account" you can change your details if you wish.

Click here to go to the login screen.

Where can I find Rocaflor's general terms and conditions?

Click here to view the general terms and conditions.

We regret the fact that you have a complaint about Rocaflor. We kindly ask you to contact us by phone (+31)20-6404880 or by email;, so that we can guide you through this.


Would you rather speak to someone? You can. Please contact us via the number below.


Showroom & warehouse/expedition

Showroom & warehouse/expedition

Meerlandenweg 58
1187 ZR Amstelveen

T: (0031) 20 6404 880
Kvk: 60940328
Btw: NL854126946B01

Cash & carry/buying centre

Cash & carry/buying centre

Randweg 155
1422 ND Uithoorn

Contact form